SiriusXM national radio Family Talk channel 131 (and 59 local radio stations)
click here to listen live via the Wilkins Radio Network every Sunday at 8:00 pm central click here to go to the website (done by Shane Pack)
Date | Topic | Outline | Link |
09-29-24 | Religious People Who Had To Change In The Bible | outline | Listen |
09-22-24 | Second Coming, Resurrection, Rapture, End Of World, Judgment Day - All Happen At Same Time | outline | Listen |
09-15-24 | How To Choose A Congregation | outline | Listen |
09-08-24 | Calvinism - Preservation/Perseverance Of The Saints (Once Saved Always Saved)? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
09-01-24 | Calvinism - Preservation/Perseverance Of The Saints (Once Saved Always Saved)? | outline | Listen |
08-25-24 | Calvinism - Irresistible Grace? | Listen | |
08-18-24 | Calvinism - Unconditional Salvation And Limited Atonement? | charts | Listen |
08-11-24 | Calvinism - Unconditional Salvation? - part 3 | charts | Listen |
08-04-24 | Calvinism - Unconditional Salvation? - part 2 | charts | Listen |
07-28-24 | Calvinism - Unconditional Salvation? | charts | Listen |
07-21-24 | Calvinism - Total Depravity And Original Sin Inherited? - part 2 | charts | Listen |
07-14-24 | Calvinism - Total Depravity And Original Sin Inherited? | charts | Listen |
07-07-24 | Highlighted Bible Doctrines | outline | Listen |
06-30-24 | Is Salvation By Faith Only? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-23-24 | Is Salvation By Faith Only? | outline | Listen |
06-16-24 | ADULTEROUS, Polygamous, Incestuous, And Homosexual Marriages Stand Or Fall Together - 2 | outline | Listen |
06-09-24 | ADULTEROUS, Polygamous, Incestuous, And Homosexual Marriages Stand Or Fall Together | outline | Listen |
06-02-24 | John 3:16 | verses | Listen |
05-26-24 | John 3:5-15 | verses | Listen |
05-19-24 | John 3:1-5 | verses | Listen |
05-12-24 | The Original Doctrine - I John 2:24 - part 3 | outline | Listen |
05-05-24 | The Original Doctrine - I John 2:24 - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-28-24 | The Original Doctrine - I John 2:24 | outline | Listen |
04-21-24 | Inherited Original Sin | verses | Listen |
04-14-24 | The Baptism Debate | verses | Listen |
04-07-24 | Differences Between The Old Testament And New Testament Laws | outline | Listen |
03-31-24 | Does God Care What We Do When We Come Together To Worship Him? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
03-24-24 | Does God Care What We Do When We Come Together To Worship Him? | outline | Listen |
03-17-24 | Matthew 19:1-10 | verses | Listen |
03-10-24 | Fasting Today | charts | Listen |
03-03-24 | May Women Have Leadership Roles In The Church? | article | Listen |
02-25-24 | End Times Topics - Premillennialism | outline | Listen |
02-18-24 | End Times Topics | outline | Listen |
02-11-24 | Do Churches Have A Right To Compromise On Homosexuality And Other Issues? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
02-04-24 | Do Churches Have A Right To Compromise On Homosexuality And Other Issues? | outline | Listen |
01-28-24 | Do So Many Different Interpretations Mean The Bible Is Hard To Understand? - part 2 | article | Listen |
01-21-24 | Do So Many Different Interpretations Mean The Bible Is Hard To Understand? | article | Listen |
01-14-24 | Billy Graham Said Non-Believers Can Be Saved | outline | Listen |
01-07-24 | Once Saved Always Saved - part 2 | verses | Listen |
12-31-23 | Caller Questions On Once Saved Always Saved And Baptism - replay of the 9-15-19 program | Listen | |
12-24-23 | Once Saved Always Saved | outline | Listen |
12-17-23 | Methodist Changes On Divorce - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-10-23 | Methodist Changes On Divorce | outline | Listen |
12-03-23 | Baptism - Who, What, and Why? | outline | Listen |
11-26-23 | Deut 12:8 Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes | outline | Listen |
11-19-23 | Discussion With Caller On Once Saved Always Saved | outline | Listen |
11-12-23 | We Should Rather Die Than To Commit Even One Sin | verses | Listen |
11-05-23 | James 2:14-26 Textual Study | verses | Listen |
10-29-23 | Are We Forgiven Of Sins - Past, Present, and Future? | outline | Listen |
10-22-23 | Galatians 3:19-29 | verses | Listen |
10-15-23 | Calling On The Name Of The Lord - What Does It Mean? | article | Listen |
10-08-23 | Things We Can Learn From II John 9-11 - replay of the 8-18-19 program | article | Listen |
10-01-23 | The Four Types Of Death In The Bible - part 3 | outline | Listen |
09-24-23 | The Four Types Of Death In The Bible - part 2 | outline | Listen |
09-17-23 | The Four Types Of Death In The Bible | outline | Listen |
09-10-23 | The Ongoing United Methodist Church Split | outline | Listen |
09-03-23 | The Cost Of Discipleship - accidental replay of the 07-30-23 program | outline | Listen |
08-27-23 | The Majority Is Usually Wrong - part 3 | outline | Listen |
08-20-23 | The Majority Is Usually Wrong - part 2 | outline | Listen |
08-13-23 | The Majority Is Usually Wrong | outline | Listen |
08-06-23 | The Cost Of Discipleship - part 2 | outline | Listen |
07-30-23 | The Cost Of Discipleship | outline | Listen |
07-23-23 | Is Gay Marriage Okay? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
07-16-23 | Is Gay Marriage Okay? | outline | Listen |
07-09-23 | Is Jesus Deity? | outline | Listen |
07-02-23 | Is Jesus’ Second Coming Imminent? | outline | Listen |
06-25-23 | Did God Demand Termination Of Marriages He Didn't Approve Of In The Old Testament? | verses | Listen |
06-18-23 | The Thief On The Cross Argument | article | Listen |
06-11-23 | Can You Be A Christian Without Going To Church? | outline | Listen |
06-04-23 | Go, And Sin No More | outline | Listen |
05-28-23 | The Bible Is Christianity's Rule Book - part 3 | outline | Listen |
05-21-23 | The Bible Is Christianity's Rule Book - part 2 | outline | Listen |
05-14-23 | The Bible Is Christianity's Rule Book | outline | Listen |
05-07-23 | We Will Judged In Four Plus Areas - part 3 | outline | Listen |
04-30-23 | Questions From The Audience | Listen | |
04-23-23 | Questions On MDR From The Audience | verses | Listen |
04-16-23 | We Will Judged In Four Plus Areas - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-09-23 | We Will Judged In Four Plus Areas | outline | Listen |
04-02-23 | The Calvinist Version Of Election / Predestination | outline | Listen |
03-26-23 | God Tests People To See If They Will Obey Him | outline | Listen |
03-19-23 | Reasons People Don't Conform To The Truth | outline | Listen |
03-12-23 | How People React To Learning The Truth - part 2 | outline | Listen |
03-05-23 | How People React To Learning The Truth | outline | Listen |
02-26-23 | Q&A From Listening Audience | Listen | |
02-19-23 | Is It Okay To Sin (If We Are Planning On Repenting) Because We Are Under Grace? | outline | Listen |
02-12-23 | Accept Jesus Christ As Our Personal Saviour? - part 2 | article | Listen |
02-05-23 | Accept Jesus Christ As Our Personal Saviour? | article | Listen |
01-29-23 | Does It Matter What We Believe & Teach, How We Live & Worship, Where We Go To Church? | outline | Listen |
01-22-23 | The Authority And Sufficiency Of The Scriptures - part 3 | outline | Listen |
01-15-23 | The Authority And Sufficiency Of The Scriptures - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-08-23 | The Authority And Sufficiency Of The Scriptures | outline | Listen |
01-01-23 | Religious People Who Needed To Change - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-25-22 | Religious People Who Needed To Change | outline | Listen |
12-18-22 | Details Of Jesus' Torturous Crucifixion From John 19 - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-11-22 | Details Of Jesus' Torturous Crucifixion From John 19 | verses | Listen |
12-04-22 | Presbyterian Changes On Gay Marriage - part 2 | outline | Listen |
11-27-22 | Presbyterian Changes On Gay Marriage | outline | Listen |
11-20-22 | Is Doctrine Salvific? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
11-13-22 | Is Doctrine Salvific? | outline | Listen |
11-06-22 | The Doctrine 'Heard From The Beginning' - I John 2:24 - part 2 | outline | Listen |
10-30-22 | The Doctrine 'Heard From The Beginning' - I John 2:24 | outline | Listen |
10-23-22 | Caller Questions On Women Preachers - replay of the 6-2-19 program | Listen | |
10-16-22 | Acts 22:16 And The Thief On The Cross - replay of the 3-31-19 program | outline | Listen |
10-09-22 | Instructions From Jesus In Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John - part 4 | verses | Listen |
10-02-22 | Instructions From Jesus In Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John - part 3 | verses | Listen |
09-25-22 | More Instructions From Jesus In Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John | verses | Listen |
09-18-22 | Some Instructions From Jesus In Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John | verses | Listen |
09-11-22 | More Things We Learn From The Old Testament Prophets | verses | Listen |
09-04-22 | Some Things We Learn From The Old Testament Prophets | verses | Listen |
08-28-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 9 | verses | Listen |
08-21-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 8 | verses | Listen |
08-14-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 7 | verses | Listen |
08-07-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 6 | verses | Listen |
07-31-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 5 | verses | Listen |
07-24-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 4 | verses | Listen |
07-17-22 | IF Conditional Statements In The Bible - part 3 | verses | Listen |
07-10-22 | More IF Conditional Statements In The Bible | verses | Listen |
07-03-22 | "If" Means "On Condition That ... A Condition, Requirement, Or Stipulation" ( | verses | Listen |
06-26-22 | Why Are There Different Interpretations Of The Bible? - part 3 | article | Listen |
06-19-22 | Why Are There Different Interpretations Of The Bible? - part 2 | article | Listen |
06-12-22 | Why Are There Different Interpretations Of The Bible? | article | Listen |
06-05-22 | More On Bible Types | outline | Listen |
05-29-22 | Exceptions In The Bible - part 2 | charts | Listen |
05-22-22 | Exceptions In The Bible | charts | Listen |
05-15-22 | How Do Bible Types Work? | outline | |
05-08-22 | What Are The "Washing" Verses In The New Testament Talking About? | verses | Listen |
05-01-22 | Situation Ethics - with Greg Gwin | Listen | |
04-24-22 | Repentance Is Always Necessary To Be Forgiven Of Sin | verses | Listen |
04-17-22 | Colossians 2:11-17 | verses | Listen |
04-10-22 | Adulterous Marriage | verses | Listen |
04-03-22 | Added To The Lord - What Does That Mean? | outline | Listen |
03-27-22 | Responsibilities Of A Christian | outline | Listen |
03-20-22 | Caller Questions On The Essentiality Of Water Baptism | article | Listen |
03-13-22 | John 3:16 - The Details | outline | Listen |
03-06-22 | Preaching, Turned Unto, Cleave Unto, Added To - The Lord - Acts 11:19-24 | outline | Listen |
02-27-22 | What Are Ways A Christian Can Lose His Salvation? | outline | Listen |
02-20-22 | Prejudice Is Sinful | outline | Listen |
02-13-22 | I John 2:1-14 | verses | Listen |
02-06-22 | Caller Questions On The Validity Of Mark 16:9-20, Baptism, And Once Saved Always Saved | Listen | |
01-30-22 | The Vicarious Atonement - Gal 3:13, II Cor 5:21, Isa 53:5-6, etc. | article | Listen |
01-23-22 | How Does God Speak To Us? | article | Listen |
01-16-22 | What About The Thief On The Cross? | article | Listen |
01-09-22 | Predestination And Foreknowledge - The Difference | article | Listen |
01-02-22 | How Does The Bible Say The Scapegoat Is A Type Of Christ? | article | Listen |
12-26-21 | God Is Looking For People Who Will Worship Him In Spirit And Truth - John 4:23 | outline | Listen |
12-19-21 | What Does It Mean To Baptize In Jesus' Name? | charts | Listen |
12-12-21 | Highlighted Bible Principles | outline | Listen |
12-05-21 | Gay Marriage | outline | Listen |
11-28-21 | Caller Questions On Inherited Original Sin | verses | Listen |
11-21-21 | I John chapter 1 | verses | Listen |
11-14-21 | Does God Want Us To Be Happy? (even in sin) | outline | Listen |
11-07-21 | Christ In Isaiah 53:5-7 | verses | Listen |
10-31-21 | Propitiation As Defined By Romans 3:23-26 | verses | Listen |
10-24-21 | Events The Bible Teaches Happened In The First Century Timeframe | outline | Listen |
10-17-21 | Hebrews 11 - Acting Upon Our Faith | verses | Listen |
10-10-21 | Lessons Learned From The Healing Of The Blind Man In John 9 | outline | Listen |
10-03-21 | John 3:1-21 | verses | Listen |
09-26-21 | Paul's Conversion | outline | Listen |
09-19-21 | Revelation 20:11-15 - The Great White Throne Scene | outline | Listen |
09-12-21 | Caller Question On Instrumental Music And Worship | Listen | |
09-05-21 | Romans 6 | verses | Listen |
08-29-21 | James 2:14-26 | verses | Listen |
08-22-21 | Sanctification Has Two Aspects | article | Listen |
08-15-21 | Questions About The Book Of Life | outline | Listen |
08-08-21 | When Does The Book Of Revelation Say It Is Supposed To Be Fulfilled? | outline | Listen |
08-01-21 | How The Teaching That Obedience Is Not Necessary Affects All Issues - part 2 | verses | Listen |
07-25-21 | How The Teaching That Obedience Is Not Necessary Affects All Issues | verses | Listen |
07-18-21 | Are We Taking John The Baptist's Side or Herodias' Side? | article | Listen |
07-11-21 | John 8:31-32 One Condition, Three Results | outline | Listen |
07-04-21 | Jesus Is God (but not the Father) | outline | Listen |
06-27-21 | Some Matters That Matter - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-20-21 | Some Matters That Matter | outline | Listen |
06-13-21 | Forgiveness - The Solution To The Problem Of Sin | outline | Listen |
06-06-21 | Caller Assertions On Once Saved Always Saved | Listen | |
05-30-21 | The Character Of God | outline | Listen |
05-23-21 | Infant Baptism And Sprinkling For Baptism | outline | Listen |
05-16-21 | Baptism In Jesus' Name with Steve Klein - part 2 | outline | Listen |
05-09-21 | Baptism In Jesus' Name with Steve Klein | outline | Listen |
05-02-21 | Methodist Changes On Divorce - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-25-21 | Methodist Changes On Divorce | outline | Listen |
04-18-21 | Is Israel Still God's Chosen Nation? | article | Listen |
04-11-21 | Calling On The Name Of The Lord and more Caller Questions | article | Listen |
04-04-21 | What Does It Mean To Call On The Name Of The Lord? and Caller Questions | article | Listen |
03-28-21 | Serving Jesus and Caller Questions | outline | Listen |
03-21-21 | Serving Jesus and Questions On MDR | outline | Listen |
03-14-21 | Six Caller Questions | Listen | |
03-07-21 | How To Tell Who Is Preaching The Truth? | article | Listen |
02-28-21 | The Walls Of Jericho | outline | Listen |
02-21-21 | The Plan Of Salvation - part 2 | outline | Listen |
02-14-21 | The Plan Of Salvation | outline | Listen |
02-07-21 | Second Coming, Resurrection, Rapture, End Of World, Judgment Day - All Happen Together | outline | Listen |
01-31-21 | Jesus Is The Lamb Of God - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-24-21 | Jesus Is The Lamb Of God | outline | Listen |
01-17-21 | Things Learned From II John 9-11 | article | Listen |
01-10-21 | Jesus Is Lord Of Lords And King Of Kings | article | Listen |
01-03-21 | Believers Who Were Unsaved | article | Listen |
12-27-20 | Ways Christians Err From The Truth - James 5:19-20 | outline | Listen |
12-20-20 | Erring From The Truth - James 5:19-20 | outline | Listen |
12-13-20 | Exceptions In The Bible | outline | Listen |
12-06-20 | How To Resolve Supposed Bible Contradictions | outline | Listen |
11-29-20 | Doctrine That Is Sound | outline | Listen |
11-22-20 | Is The Bible Outdated? - part 2 | article | Listen |
11-15-20 | Is The Bible Outdated? | article | Listen |
11-08-20 | Ways People Become Partakers In Others' Sin | outline | Listen |
11-01-20 | Believing A Lie | outline | Listen |
10-25-20 | Partaking In Others' Sin | outline | Listen |
10-18-20 | Calling Evil Good | outline | Listen |
10-11-20 | Mythical Mormonism | outline | Listen |
10-04-20 | Is The Sabbath Still Binding? | outline | Listen |
09-27-20 | How Faith And Works Interrelate | outline | Listen |
09-20-20 | False Teachers - part 3 | article | Listen |
09-13-20 | False Teachers - part 2 | article | Listen |
09-06-20 | False Teachers | article | Listen |
08-30-20 | Why Is It Okay To Eat Pork And Catfish And Other Old Testament 'Unclean' Animals Today? | outline | Listen |
08-23-20 | Col 3:25 He That Doeth Wrong Shall Receive For The Wrong Which He Hath Done | outline | Listen |
08-16-20 | Do Churches Disagree On The Bible Because Of Honest Interpretation Differences? | article | Listen |
08-09-20 | Questions About The End Times | outline | Listen |
08-02-20 | Does The Thief On The Cross Prove Baptism Is Not Necessary To Salvation? | article | Listen |
07-26-20 | Caller Questions On John 3:16, Forgiveness In The OT, The Rich Man And Lazarus | Listen | |
07-19-20 | Judges 17:6 Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes - part 3 | outline | Listen |
07-12-20 | Judges 17:6 Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes - part 2 | outline | Listen |
07-05-20 | Judges 17:6 Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes | outline | Listen |
06-28-20 | Does God Care What We Believe And Practice In Religion? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-21-20 | Does God Care What We Believe And Practice In Religion? | outline | Listen |
06-14-20 | Caller Questions On Women Preachers, Covering, Hair, Baptism, OSAS | Listen | |
06-07-20 | We Should Try To Live Perfectly | article | Listen |
05-31-20 | Why Adulterous Marriages Must Be Terminated | article | Listen |
05-24-20 | The Difference Between The WHO and The WHEN In Salvation | article | Listen |
05-17-20 | Ezekiel 18:20-24 | article | Listen |
05-10-20 | Premillennialism - part 2 | outline | Listen |
05-03-20 | Premillennialism | outline | Listen |
04-26-20 | What Washes Away Our Sins - The Blood Of Christ Or Baptism? (email question) | article | Listen |
04-19-20 | Deut 5:29 Keep ALL My Commandments ALWAYS | article | Listen |
04-12-20 | Prov 28:26a He That Trusteth In His Own Heart Is A Fool - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-05-20 | Prov 28:26a He That Trusteth In His Own Heart Is A Fool | outline | Listen |
03-29-20 | Using The Bible As Our Guidebook - part 5 | outline | Listen |
03-22-20 | Using The Bible As Our Guidebook - part 4 | outline | Listen |
03-15-20 | Using The Bible As Our Guidebook - part 3 | outline | Listen |
03-08-20 | Using The Bible As Our Guidebook - part 2 | outline | Listen |
03-01-20 | Using The Bible As Our Guidebook | outline | Listen |
02-23-20 | II Peter 1:3 – God Has Given Us All Things That Pertain Unto Life And Godliness - part 3 | article | Listen |
02-16-20 | II Peter 1:3 – God Has Given Us All Things That Pertain Unto Life And Godliness - part 2 | article | Listen |
02-09-20 | II Peter 1:3 – God Has Given Us All Things That Pertain Unto Life And Godliness | article | Listen |
02-02-20 | Religious People Who Had To Change - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-26-20 | Religious People Who Had To Change | outline | Listen |
01-19-20 | Methodist Church Leadership Proposes To Split On Gay Marriage | outline | Listen |
01-12-20 | Caller Questions On Various Topics | Listen | |
01-05-20 | II Thessalonians 1:8-9 | article | Listen |
12-29-19 | Trust And Obey - The Hymn | article | Listen |
12-22-19 | Matthew 19:9 | article | Listen |
12-15-19 | Caller Questions On The First Day Of Week And Why Man Sins | Listen | |
12-08-19 | Old Testament Change To New Testament - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-01-19 | Caller Questions On Original Sin | Listen | |
11-24-19 | John 12:26 And Serving Jesus - replay of the 3-17-19 program | outline | Listen |
11-17-19 | Old Testament Change To New Testament | outline | Listen |
11-10-19 | The Phrase "For The Remission Of Sins" | outline | Listen |
11-03-19 | II Chronicles 15:2 | outline | Listen |
10-27-19 | Biblical Inerrancy | outline | Listen |
10-20-19 | In Spite Of What Paul Thought? | article | Listen |
10-13-19 | Does Obedience Have Anything To Do With Salvation? - replay of the 12-09-18 program | outline | Listen |
10-06-19 | Southern Baptist Church Says Gay Marriages Must Be Terminated But Not Adulterous Marriages | article | Listen |
09-29-19 | II Thessalonians 2:10-12 - part 2 | outline | Listen |
09-22-19 | II Thessalonians 2:10-12 | outline | Listen |
09-15-19 | Caller Questions On Once Saved Always Saved And Baptism | Listen | |
09-08-19 | What Doth The Lord Thy God Require Of Thee? - Deut 10:12-13 | article | Listen |
09-01-19 | How Can We Know Which Preacher Is Telling Us The Truth? | article | Listen |
08-25-19 | Should We Leave Off Preaching Bible Issues & Just Emphasize Love? - replay of the 7-29-18 program | outline | Listen |
08-18-19 | Things We Can Learn From II John 9-11 | article | Listen |
08-11-19 | Eph 1:3 And The Spiritual Blessings We Receive In Christ - with Tommy Thrasher | Listen | |
08-04-19 | Matt 25:30 The Unprofitable Servant | article | Listen |
07-28-19 | Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged - Matt 7:1ff | outline | Listen |
07-21-19 | The Antichrist | outline | Listen |
07-14-19 | II Peter 2:20-22 | article | Listen |
07-07-19 | God's Unconditional And Conditional Love | article | Listen |
06-30-19 | Giving A Bible Answer - part 3 | outline | Listen |
06-23-19 | Giving A Bible Answer - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-16-19 | Giving A Bible Answer | outline | Listen |
06-09-19 | II Corinthians 5:10-11 | outline | Listen |
06-02-19 | Caller Questions On Women Preachers | Listen | |
05-26-19 | Caller Questions On Those Who Haven't Heard The Gospel, The Thief On The Cross | Listen | |
05-19-19 | Caller Questions On Baptism | Listen | |
05-12-19 | Jimmy Carter Asking Pete Buttigieg To Read Scripture At Church | outline | Listen |
05-05-19 | Caller Questions On Charles Stanley, Billy Graham, Salvation | Listen | |
04-28-19 | God Never Spoke To Just Everybody | outline | Listen |
04-21-19 | Acts 22:16 And Calling On The Name Of The Lord | outline | Listen |
04-14-19 | Caller Questions On Repentance And Divorce | verses | Listen |
04-07-19 | Does The Fact That John 3:16 Doesn't Mention Baptism Prove Baptism Is Not Necessary? | article | Listen |
03-31-19 | Acts 22:16 And The Thief On The Cross | outline | Listen |
03-24-19 | Acts 22:16 And Saul's Conversion | outline | Listen |
03-17-19 | John 12:26 And Serving Jesus | outline | Listen |
03-10-19 | God Never, Ever Forgives Sin Without Repentance | article | Listen |
03-03-19 | Whosoever Shall Call Upon The Lord Shall Be Saved - replay of the 7-29-18 program | outline | Listen |
02-24-19 | Unsaved Believers | article | Listen |
02-17-19 | How Do John 10:27-28 And II Chron 15:2 Not Contradict? - also Eph 2:8-9 / James 2:24? | outline | Listen |
02-10-19 | An Astonishing Quote From Billy Graham | outline | Listen |
02-03-19 | Bible Contradictions (Alleged) Explained - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-27-19 | Bible Contradictions (Alleged) Explained | outline | Listen |
01-20-19 | Questions From The Audience | Listen | |
01-13-19 | Questions From The Audience | Listen | |
01-06-19 | Astonishing Quotes From A Doctor Of Theology - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-30-18 | Astonishing Quotes From A Doctor Of Theology | outline | Listen |
12-23-18 | Does Obedience Have Anything To Do With Salvation? - part 3 | outline | Listen |
12-16-18 | Does Obedience Have Anything To Do With Salvation? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
12-09-18 | Does Obedience Have Anything To Do With Salvation? | outline | Listen |
12-02-18 | The Stricter Standard - Matt 5:20-48 | charts | Listen |
11-25-18 | Is Suicide The Unpardonable Sin? | outline | Listen |
11-18-18 | What Must A Christian Do To Be Lost Again? | outline | Listen |
11-11-18 | Is Jesus Coming Back Soon? | outline | Listen |
11-04-18 | Salvation - Basis vs. Conditionality | outline | Listen |
10-28-18 | Regeneration (Being Born Again) | outline | Listen |
10-21-18 | Why Are We Doing This Radio Program? | outline | Listen |
10-14-18 | Should We Leave Off Preaching On Bible Issues And Just Emphasize Love? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
10-07-18 | Should We Leave Off Preaching On Bible Issues And Just Emphasize Love? | outline | Listen |
09-30-18 | Reporting Not Repenting | outline | Listen |
09-23-18 | The Woman's Role | outline | Listen |
09-16-18 | How Is A Person Justified By Faith? | article | Listen |
09-09-18 | What Are Some Ways A Person Can Err From The Truth? - James 5:19-20 | outline | Listen |
09-02-18 | Must Unscriptural Marriages (per Matt 19:9) Be Terminated? | outline | Listen |
08-26-18 | Can Sinner Stay In Unscriptural Marriage (per Matt 19:9) At Conversion? | outline | Listen |
08-19-18 | James 5:19-20 | outline | Listen |
08-12-18 | The Great White Throne Scene | outline | Listen |
08-05-18 | Follow Holiness, Without Which No Man Shall See The Lord - Heb 12:14 | article | Listen |
07-29-18 | Whosoever Shall Call Upon The Lord Shall Be Saved - Is A Game Changer | outline | Listen |
07-22-18 | Does The Book Of Romans Teach Salvation By Faith Only? | outline | Listen |
07-15-18 | Does The Book Of Romans Teach Calvinism? | outline | Listen |
07-08-18 | Can A Christian Lose Eternal Life? | outline | Listen |
07-01-18 | Is It True That Since All Of Us Sin, It Must Be Okay To Sin? | article | Listen |
06-24-18 | Catholic Church Changes On Baptism And Communion (26 minutes) | outline | Listen |
06-17-18 | Disciple = Discipline | outline | Listen |
06-10-18 | Presbyterian Changes On Homosexuality - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-03-18 | Presbyterian Changes On Homosexuality | outline | Listen |
05-27-18 | Christ Our Passover - I Cor 5:7 | article | Listen |
05-20-18 | Some Things Many Believers Don't Realize Are Wrong | outline | Listen |
05-13-18 | Discipleship - What Is The Cost? - replay of the 1-29-17 program | outline | Listen |
05-06-18 | What Will Happen When Jesus Comes Back? | outline | Listen |
04-29-18 | The Washing Of Regeneration In Titus 3:5 | article | Listen |
04-22-18 | The Book Of Life | outline | Listen |
04-15-18 | Can Salvation Be Lost? (refuting - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-08-18 | Can Salvation Be Lost? (refuting | outline | Listen |
04-01-18 | Is It Wrong To Be A Legalist? | article | Listen |
03-25-18 | Does Salvation Come At The Point Of Faith? (refuting | outline | Listen |
03-18-18 | More Things We Can Learn From The Greek - with Tommy Thrasher | outline | Listen |
03-11-18 | Can We Just Do What We Want To In Religion? - part 3 | outline | Listen |
03-04-18 | Can We Just Do What We Want To In Religion? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
02-25-18 | Can We Just Do What We Want To In Religion? | outline | Listen |
02-18-18 | The Five Points Of Calvinism - TULIP | outline | Listen |
02-11-18 | Some Things We Can Learn From The Greek - with Tommy Thrasher | outline | Listen |
02-04-18 | The Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority - part 4 | outline | Listen |
01-28-18 | The Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority - part 3 | outline | Listen |
01-21-18 | The Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-14-18 | The Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority | outline | Listen |
01-07-18 | It Is Either All Or Nothing With The Old Testament | outline | Listen |
12-31-17 | More Examples Of False Teaching/Teachers | article | Listen |
12-24-17 | Examples Of False Teaching/Teachers | article | Listen |
12-17-17 | False Teaching Causes People To Be Lost | article | Listen |
12-10-17 | The Conversion Of Saul | outline | Listen |
12-03-17 | What Should We Do When Verses Seem To Contradict? | outline | Listen |
11-26-17 | Where Do Different Bible Interpretations Come From? - part 2 | article | Listen |
11-19-17 | Where Do Different Bible Interpretations Come From? | article | Listen |
11-12-17 | The Lord's Supper | outline | Listen |
11-05-17 | Acts 2:38 | outline | Listen |
10-29-17 | Miracles Have Ceased | charts | Listen |
10-22-17 | What Is A False Teacher? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
10-15-17 | What Is A False Teacher? | outline | Listen |
10-08-17 | If We Offend God's Law In One Point, We Are Guilty Of All | outline | Listen |
10-01-17 | Faith Which Worketh By Love - part 2 | charts | Listen |
09-24-17 | Faith Which Worketh By Love | charts | Listen |
09-17-17 | Not Loving The Truth Leads To Believing A Lie | outline | Listen |
09-10-17 | Teaching For Doctrines The Commandments Of Men - part 2 | outline | Listen |
09-03-17 | Teaching For Doctrines The Commandments Of Men | outline | Listen |
08-27-17 | If The Blind Lead The Blind - part 2 | outline | Listen |
08-20-17 | If The Blind Lead The Blind, Both Shall Fall Into The Ditch | outline | Listen |
08-13-17 | Why Call Ye Me, Lord, Lord? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
08-06-17 | Why Call Ye Me, Lord, Lord, And Do Not The Things Which I Say? | outline | Listen |
07-30-17 | Does It Matter What We Teach? - replay of the 12-11-16 program | outline | Listen |
07-23-17 | What About The Little Things? | outline | Listen |
07-16-17 | Remember Lot's Wife | outline | Listen |
07-09-17 | There Is A Way Which Seemeth Right Unto A Man | outline | Listen |
07-02-17 | Does A Sinner Have To Be Baptized To Be Saved? - part 2 | charts | Listen |
06-25-17 | Does A Sinner Have To Be Baptized To Be Saved? | article | Listen |
06-18-17 | The Difference In Fornication And Adultery - part 2 | outline | Listen |
06-11-17 | The Difference In Fornication And Adultery | outline | Listen |
06-04-17 | Nothing But The Blood | article | Listen |
05-28-17 | Should Women Have Leadership Roles In The Church? | article | Listen |
05-21-17 | Trust And Obey | article | Listen |
05-14-17 | Are Infants Born In Sin? | charts | Listen |
05-07-17 | If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments | outline | Listen |
04-30-17 | Can A Christian Lose His Salvation? | article | Listen |
04-23-17 | Why A Christian Must Obey The Laws Of The Land - part 2 | outline | Listen |
04-16-17 | Why A Christian Must Obey The Laws Of The Land | outline | Listen |
04-09-17 | Don't Add To Or Take Away From God's Word | outline | Listen |
04-02-17 | The Authority And Sufficiency Of God's Word - part 2 | outline | Listen |
03-26-17 | The Authority And Sufficiency Of God's Word | outline | Listen |
03-19-17 | Does It Matter What We Believe? - replay of the 1-31-16 program | article | Listen |
03-12-17 | Does It Matter What We Practice In Religion? | article | Listen |
03-05-17 | Sound Doctrine | outline | Listen |
02-26-17 | Going By The Old Testament Causes Us To Lose Our Salvation | outline | Listen |
02-19-17 | How To Choose A Church | outline | Listen |
02-12-17 | Gay Is Not Okay | outline | Listen |
02-05-17 | Discipleship - What Is The Cost? - part 2 | outline | Listen |
01-29-17 | Discipleship - What Is The Cost? | outline | Listen |
01-22-17 | Matters That Matter | outline | Listen |
01-15-17 | Jesus Is The Lamb Of God | outline | Listen |
01-08-17 | Forgiveness | outline | Listen |
01-01-17 | Abiding In The Doctrine Of Christ | outline | Listen |
12-25-16 | Is Salvation By Faith Only A "Most Wholesome Doctrine"? | article | Listen |
12-18-16 | God's Character | outline | Listen |
12-11-16 | Does It Matter What We Teach Religiously? | outline | Listen |
12-04-16 | Does It Matter How A Christian Lives? | article | Listen |
11-27-16 | Is The Bible Out Of Date? | article | Listen |
11-20-16 | The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth | article | Listen |
11-13-16 | Is One Faith As Good As Another? | outline | Listen |
11-06-16 | What If We Believe A Lie? | outline | Listen |
10-30-16 | Will Jews, etc. Be Saved Even If They Don't Believe in Jesus? | outline | Listen |
10-23-16 | Divorce And Remarriage - replay of the 8-14-16 program | outline | Listen |
10-16-16 | Obeying The Truth | outline | Listen |
10-09-16 | Withdrawal | outline | Listen |
10-02-16 | Personal Evangelism | outline | Listen |
09-25-16 | Everlasting Punishment | outline | Listen |
09-18-16 | Heaven | outline | Listen |
09-11-16 | Partaking In Other Men's Sins | outline | Listen |
09-04-16 | Sancified Sins | outline | Listen |
08-28-16 | Born Again - What Does That Mean? | outline | Listen |
08-21-16 | John 3:16 | charts | Listen |
08-14-16 | Divorce And Remarriage - part 3 | outline | Listen |
08-07-16 | Divorce And Remarriage - part 2 | charts | Listen |
07-31-16 | Review Of Women Preachers Debate | charts | Listen |
07-24-16 | Preview Of Upcoming Women Preachers Debate | charts | Listen |
07-17-16 | Divorce And Remarriage | outline | Listen |
07-10-16 | The Cleansing Of Naaman | outline | Listen |
07-03-16 | Sprinkling For Baptism? | outline | Listen |
06-26-16 | The Brazen Serpent | outline | Listen |
06-19-16 | Is Salvation By Faith Only? | article | Listen |
06-12-16 | The Thief On The Cross | charts | Listen |
06-05-16 | Lessons From The Walls Of Jericho | outline | Listen |
05-29-16 | Homosexuality | outline | Listen |
05-22-16 | Can A Christian Fall From Grace? | Listen | |
05-15-16 | Does Galatians Teach We Are Not Under Any Law Today? | outline | Listen |
05-08-16 | Six Literal 24-Hour Day Creation - with Tommy Thrasher | charts | Listen |
05-01-16 | Religious Debating | outline | Listen |
04-24-16 | Baptism Is Essential To Salvation | article | Listen |
04-17-16 | Is Doctrine Important? | outline | Listen |
04-10-16 | Seek And Ye Shall Find | charts | Listen |
04-03-16 | Watchtower Witnesses | outline | Listen |
03-27-16 | Mormonism | outline | Listen |
03-20-16 | Should Christians Fast Today? | outline | Listen |
03-13-16 | Is Teaching Obedience Teaching A Works Based Salvation? | outline | Listen |
03-06-16 | Do Christians Have To Follow Rules? | outline | Listen |
02-28-16 | Religious Division | outline | Listen |
02-21-16 | Infant Baptism? | charts | Listen |
02-14-16 | Does God Care How We Worship Him? | outline | Listen |
02-07-16 | Old Testament And New Testament Laws - Differences | outline | Listen |
01-31-16 | Does It Matter What We Believe? | article | Listen |
01-24-16 | Why Are There So Many Interpretations Of The Bible? - part 2 | article | Listen |
01-17-16 | Why Are There So Many Interpretations Of The Bible? | article | Listen |
01-10-16 | Matt 5:20-48 Ye Have Heard It Said ... But I Say Unto You | article | Listen |
01-03-16 | Calling On The Name Of The Lord (25 minutes) | article | Listen |
12-27-15 | What Would Jesus Do? (50 minutes) | outline | Listen |
12-20-15 | Watering Down The Gospel | outline | Listen |
12-13-15 | Unconditional Election | charts | Listen |
12-06-15 | Miracles | article | Listen |
11-29-15 | Prejudice | outline | Listen |
11-22-15 | Original Sin? | charts | Listen |
11-15-15 | Obedience | outline | Listen |
11-08-15 | Accept Jesus Christ As Your Personal Saviour? | outline | Listen |
11-01-15 | End Times | outline | Listen |
10-25-15 | Deity Of Christ | charts | Listen |
10-18-15 | Did Jesus Die For Everybody? | charts | Listen |
10-11-15 | Abortion - with Allen Dvorak | outline | Listen |
10-04-15 | The Sabbath | charts | Listen |
09-27-15 | The Reliability Of The New Testament Text - with Jeff Smelser | website | Listen |
09-20-15 | Women Preachers? | charts | Listen |
09-13-15 | Creation/Evolution - with Tommy Thrasher | outline | Listen |
09-06-15 | Does A Sinner Have To Be Baptized To Be Saved? | article | Listen |
08-30-15 | Baptism - Who, What, and Why? | outline | Listen |
08-23-15 | Once Saved Always Saved? | outline | Listen |
08-16-15 | Gay Marriage - Is It Scriptural? | outline | Listen |
08-09-15 | Faith And Works - Their Relationship In Our Salvation | outline | Listen |
08-02-15 | Adulterous Marriages (per Matt 19:9) Must Be Terminated | outline | Listen |
07-26-15 | Old Testament Law Is No Longer Binding | outline | Listen |
07-19-15 | Does It Matter What We Believe, Teach, And Practice In Religion? | outline | Listen |
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This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them Acts 15:2 NIV